art250 - intro 2 digital Practices


Class Archive

Fall 2016 — Spring 2018

collage of student work

collage of student work


This course is designed to jump start students’ creative process to then produce digital content. I educated students on the principals of Art & Design, how to properly collaborate in giving feedback while instilling the process of transforming an idea into a finished work.

During these four first semesters of teaching as a TA, this course covered Photoshop, Illustrator, Audacity and Processing.


gallery of student work

image synthesis

In this first project, students were tasked with generating an assemblage from various content sources from numerous origins. They were tasked with establishing their own message and then to execute that concept in Photoshop.



In this second project, students learned typographic principals while harnessing the power of vector graphics in Illustrator. This projects goal was to deliver a powerful, politically charged message that focuses on a technology of their choosing.

interactive work

coming soon